Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"The Importance of Creativity" by Sir Ken Robinson on http://www.ted.com/talks/ken_robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity.html website was a great video clip.  He discusses how schools have gotten away from creativity.  He even states, "Schools kill creativity."  This is another sad but true video.  He brings to light that schools today do not encourage originality in activities.  I agree with him on this.  I wish I would have been encouraged to be more creative and original in my school work when I was still in school.  Creativity and originality are important skills to carry out into the real world.  He also states, "Mistakes are not appropriate in schools today." This is so true, even though mistakes are a great way to learn and be creative.  He really concentrates on how schools discourage students from being original and creative in their thinking.

Sir Ken Robinson also discusses in this video how all around the world the arts are at the bottom of the pole in education.  The arts come behind mathematics, language arts, sciences, and history.  All of these subjects are very important in the schools, but liberal arts also need to be an important area.  Liberal arts provide students to be active, creative, and original rather than just concentrate on academics all day every day.  Liberal arts also do provide jobs in the real world, which is another reason they should have more focus on them in the schools.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mr. Winkle Wakes By: Mathew Needleman

I watched Mr. Winkle Wakes By: Mathew Needleman on YouTube.  The video was somewhat disturbing, but rather funny.  It definitely relates to the chapters we just discussed in our textbook.  The video was about Mr. Winkle, an old man that had been asleep for 100 years.  When he woke up he went and visited a work place that had machines printing documents and pictures.  There were also people communicating with other people across the world through screens.  These things made Mr. Winkle feel uncomfortable and sick, so he went to the hospital.  The hospital was even filled with this new "technology" that also made Mr. Winkle feel uncomfortable. So, Mr. Winkle left the hospital and went to a nearby school.  Here he found that he was comfortable and nothing had changed over the 100 years he had been asleep!

This video was sad but somewhat true.  Schools seem to be the last places that technology get into and that is sad.  Schools should be updated along with the rest of the world.  How will children get out of school and maintain a job if real world technology was never integrated into the schools and taught how to be used?  Schools must change along with the rest of the world so that children can be prepared for jobs in the real world.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Reflection Blog

I believe everything we have completed in this class thus far can be extremely helpful and used in the classroom.  The KWL chart is a great way to find out what children know, want to know, and what they learned.  A KWL chart can also be used as a form of assessment in the classroom.  KWL charts can also be used at any grade level.  KWL charts can be made into a craft activity for younger grades also, rather than just being written on paper.

The portaportal assignment is also something that can be very helpful in my classroom.  I included many interactive sights on my portaportal for grade levels in my certification area.  Therefore, this can be used when I get my very own classroom.  The portaportal website links many sites to the same page so that they are very accessible and easy to get to.  That is a huge positive for a tool that is to be used in the classroom.

We have only completed one discussion so far over the first two chapters of the textbook.  Although, the two chapters we have completed so far have had helpful information in them.  They covered how students abilities and ways of learning have changed over time due to technology.  I believe that the information provided in the first two chapters was definitely information that future educators need to know.  Future educators need to know how to adapt in the classroom and learn from their students that have grown up in the digital generation.